Printmedia Department

The Department of Printmedia presents an interdisciplinary exploration of printmaking that prizes experimentation and emphasizes the research and discovery needed to bring ideas to fruition. Iteration and discovery, purposeful execution and serendipitous results are highly valued. The department’s approach to materials, technique, and process are contemporary.

Printmedia is engaged with the multifaceted world of contemporary art, design and visual culture. Here, established ideas are welcomed and challenged; and new ideas are nurtured. Department faculty offer courses, mentorship and individualized instruction at the BFA, Post- Baccalaureate, and MFA levels.

Jina smiling at the camera against a white backdrop

Jina Valentine: The Future of Us

Printmedia Associate Professor Jina Valentine envisions a collective future. Valentine shared with SAIC Magazine, "The future of art is multivocal. Definitions are determined collectively; answers to broad questions like 'What is the future of art?' are determined by the next generation, not a specific person but many people collaborating and negotiating with each other to determine these things. The future of art is queer. It is inclusive. It is nonhierarchical. It is collective. It is anticapitalist. And it involves a more holistic approach to art making, caretaking, well-being, learning, teaching, and sharing."

Image of multiple small white pieces against a black backdrop.

Printmedia's Shaurya Kumar Exhibits at India Art Fair

Printmedia Professor Shaurya Kumar was noted as a "must see" artist by Architectural Digest in the publication's 2020 round-up of the India Art Fair. Held in New Delhi, the fair is the foremost contemporary and modern art fair in India. The story notes Professor Kumar's "work reflects on a place, a city, a state, a country that was once a thriving cultural hub, where only the chosen lived, a place that was looted by the heavens and left desolate, and has now become a ruined place."

An installation at MOMA consisting of many black and white photos.

SAIC Alum Yasmil Raymond Co-Organizes MoMA Exhibition

In October 2019, the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) reopened after an ambitious renovation project with the exhibition, Surrounds: 11 Installations, co-organized by Yasmil Raymond (BFA 1999). MoMA's collection includes works by SAIC community members Stephanie and Bill Sick Professor of Fashion, Body and Garment Nick Cave and alumni Joan Mitchell (BFA 1947), Jeff Koons (SAIC 1975–76, HON 2008), and Wu Tsang (BFA 2004) among many others.

Contact Us

Printmedia Department Office

280 Building
280 S. Columbus Dr., suite 115

Phone: 312.857.7660

Department Chair

Jina Valentine

Graduate Coordinator

Annie Kielman

Senior Administrative Director

Nika Gorini

Administrative Director

Jessica DuPreez

Administrative Assistant

Maria Dunaevsky

Assistant Director of Printmedia Technical Facilities

Megan Sterling

Offset Technician

Todd J. Rau