Student works on print project

Featured Alumni

Featured Alumni

Image of an abstract piece

Robby Sawyer

Robert Shannon Sawyer attended Wheaton College, focusing his studies in Printmaking and Graphic Design. Prior to commencing studies at SAIC, Robert worked in a variety of creative industries including athletic apparel design, architecture, and graphic design.

Robert has exhibited in a variety of states in the U.S. as well as internationally in Wellington, New Zealand. 

A piece made of wires against a green backdrop

Logan Kruidenier

Hello! My name is Logan Kruidenier. I am originally from Santa Barbara, California. I went to CSU Chico for my BFA and studied abroad in Mainz, Germany for my last year of undergrad.

I moved to Chicago in 2016 to pursue my passion in the realms of alternative comics as well as multi-media installation and the production of community art events such as "Doodle Jam!" an ongoing series of free creative workshops. I applied to SAIC a little more than a year after moving to Chicago, and was fortunate enough to be accepted.

Image of a bed with graphics on the pillows

Alessandra Norman

The frontier has always served as a repository for American optimism. In my work, two different manifestations of the frontier are at odds with one another: The West – the frontier of the past – the embodiment of historic mythologies and creation myths of America, is at odds with Space – the newest frontier – a boundless and infinite container that holds our hopes and aspirations for the future. My work is a stage on which this battle over past and future, of expectations and experimentation, is waged.

Image of a person sitting in front of the camera, wearing a white shirt

Neil Patrick O'Malley

Neil Patrick O'Malley was born and raised in Metro-Detroit, Michigan, and graduated from Pratt Institute with a BFA in Printmaking. 

A blue piece with “You Are Haunting” written on it

Elise Parisian

Elise Parisian is a printmaker and mixed media artist whose approach to making embraces experimentation and informed intuition. Her work is currently focused on exploring themes of presence/absence, simultaneity, and ghosts. Parisian grew up in Chicago and completed her undergraduate degree in Studio Art at Smith college.

Images of crumpled black and white fabric

Juan Neira

Received a BFA in Studio Art and ARH Degree from the Florida International University.

Image of a rock within a glass piece

Rosemary Hall

Rosemary Holliday Hall was born in Los Angeles, California and graduated from the University of California Davis where she studied Fine Art, Horticulture, and Education.

Image of a person with a beard sitting by a window

Garrett Fees

Garrett Fees was born in Alexandria, Virginia and raised in Fairfax, Virginia until the age of 18. He grew up in Richmond, Virginia. Garrett attended Virginia Commonwealth University and received a BFA in painting and printmaking in 2011.

Image of a print piece in bluescale

Jasper Goodrich

Jasper Goodrich attended Skidmore College, focusing on his studies in sculpture, in particular metal casting. He has exhibited in New York, Connecticut, and Rhode Island. Press includes Art New England and the Newport Mercury.

Image of an artist, face obscured, in high-vis gear against a floral backdrop

Rodolfo Cupich

Rodolfo Maximilano Gabriel Cupich III was born and raised in the East Mountains of Albuquerque, New Mexico. He received his BFA from the University of New Mexico with a concentration on printmaking.

Abstract illustrated piece consisting of lines and shapes

Chris Williford

Chris Williford (b. 1993, Dallas, TX) received his BFA in Printmaking from the Maryland Institute College of Art in 2015. Recent exhibitions include the Clemson National Print and Drawing Exhibition (Clemson, SC), Reckless A. Bandon at The Lunchbox (Milwaukee, WI), and Academy 2015: MFA/BFA Invitational at Connersmith Gallery (Washington, D.C.). 

Image of three backlit printed pieces hanging in a gallery

Ashley Pastore

This work opens a realm of conditions and expands from that point. As an observer I am collecting things that are leftover - residue. To me, they are markers of time used to create a conversation about the vastness of the ideas and experiences that make up the human condition. The objects that exist around human routine have been my focus recently. I have been examining how these collections can be both specific and also universal. The human routine can create a string of objects that help to express the ways in which beings spend and experience their time.

I am interested in portraying aspects of common life which may be relatable for many people. Through the use of dust collected from the happenings of daily life within a person’s home, the minuscule particles that accumulate become markers for the kind of life that one lives. Dust being something that collects within all of our lives, it is in a way something that we all have in common. I want to emphasize the fact that we all have things in common while at the same time are totally unique. This also reminds us that none of us can escape death and the flowing back into the energy that makes up the entire universe. 

I believe dust to be a representation of the interconnectedness of the entire universe. There are miniscule pieces of our physical selves existing everywhere at all times and through this idea I am trying to conceptualize whether this could mean living forever or not. Through the magnification of objects I hope to create space where I am able to both zoom in and also step back, feeling the greatness that is the universe while also accepting that this is something I will never fully understand.

Image of two female-presenting people in different time periods

Fabienne Elie

Born in Haiti and cultivated in Miami, Florida of immigrant parents, Fabienne received her BA in Visual and Critical Studies at New College of Florida, where she developed a critical background for a print based practice. 

Image of the artist in an orange jumpsuit against a collage background

Elizabeth Cupich

Elizabeth Cupich grew up in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and received her Bachelors at the University of New Mexico, with a concentration in Printmaking. Most recently, she was living in New Orleans, Louisiana, bartending on Bourbon Street. Elizabeth and her husband Rodolfo work collaboratively as COCHINANASTY.