Computer Resources & Information Technologies
Computer Resources and Information Technologies
The Department of Computer Resources and Information Technologies (CRIT) provides technology and training resources to the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC) community and ensures that students, faculty, and staff have ready access to technology relevant to their fields of study, art practice, and professional duties. CRIT supports the entire life cycle of computer technology on campus, including: planning and budgeting; application development; end-user training; hardware maintenance; software distribution; end-user support; and inventory acquisition, distribution, and recycling.
Self Service
Google Apps (gmail, docs, calendar, etc.)
SAIC Canvas
Space and Event Reservation System
About CRIT
Faculty and Student Resources
Email CRIT Help Desk
Course Evaluations for Teachers
Self-Service Reprint and Refund Policy
Reset Your ARTIC Password
Canvas FAQ/Faculty Training
CASHnet Instructions
SAIC Square (Self-Service Tech Support)
Learning and Admin Tools
SAIC Engage
SAIC Portfolio
Laptop Recommendation
Printing on SAIC Campus
LinkedIn Learning Online Training
How To Guides
Backing up your computer with Time Machine
Adobe Software Licensing How-To
Student and Faculty VPN
Student Self-Service Navigation
Office 365 Software Licensing How-To
SAIC Wi-Fi Configuration
Faculty and Staff Only
CRIT Hardware Request Form
Request Computer Equipment (SAIC Square)
HP Printer Toner and Service Requests
Request Software
Request the SAIC Font
Request a Google Group/Email Alias
Systems Status Check
Contact Us
CRIT Help Desk
Virtually and MacLean Center
112 S. Michigan Ave., Suite 905
Monday–Friday, 8:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Phone: 312.345.3535
General Access (GA) Computer Lab
MacLean Center, 112 S. Michigan Ave., Suite 901
280 Building, 280 S. Columbus Dr., Suite 114
Open for walk-ins 24/7 during the fall and spring semesters and during the buildings' operating hours over the summer and winter interim.
SAIC Print Services
Computer Resources
critresources@saic.edu, 312.345.3748
Canvas Help
Course Evaluations Help
Panopto Help