CBS Sunday Morning Spotlights SAIC Collection of Joseph Yoakum's Work

A picture of the ocean, two rock formations, and the sun drawn in colored pencil and ballpoint pen. The name of the drawing is written in cursive in the upper left corner of the drawing.

Joseph Yoakum’s Waianae Mtn Range Entrance to Pearl Harbor and Honolulu Oahu of Hawaiian Islands. Image courtesy of CBS News

Joseph Yoakum’s Waianae Mtn Range Entrance to Pearl Harbor and Honolulu Oahu of Hawaiian Islands. Image courtesy of CBS News

CBS Sunday Morning recently highlighted the life and work of artist Joseph Yoakum, whose work is currently on display at the MoMA and can also be seen in SAIC’s Roger Brown Collection on their Youtube channel. The feature explores his imaginative and vivid artwork, his travels around the world, and how he came to be a well-known artist with the help of SAIC students and professors, who spread the word about his artwork throughout Chicago.
