Enrolled Students Next Steps
Enrolled Students Next Steps
Following your initial registration for APSI at SAIC, you will be entered into the student record system at SAIC by Registration and Records staff. You will know this process has been completed when you receive your Registration Confirmation email, which will contain your seven-digit student ID number.
Once you have received your Registration Confirmation email, you will be able to go to the next step.
Once you are enrolled and receive a Registration Confirmation email, which will contain your seven-digit student ID number, you or your school district may pay your remaining balance with a check if you did not pay in full at the time of registration. You may send a check (with the student's name and ID on the check) to the SAIC Bursar's Office at 37 S. Wabash Ave., suite 245, Chicago, IL 60603.
If your school district is paying for you and would like to use a purchase order, please contact Scott Whitlock at swhitl3@saic.edu.
To create your student account, you will need to provide us with your birth date. This is required for all students and is the first step you will need to take after receiving your Registration Confirmation email.
Email saic-teacherprograms@saic.edu. Include your full name and date of birth. Once we have received your email we will confirm receipt and update your account. You will be able to move on to the next step and activate your SAIC account the following day.
Important: After enrolling, it may take up to two business days before you can activate your SAIC account.
Your SAIC email account is the key to accessing Canvas and other student resources. Your instructor will communicate with you through Canvas and your SAIC.edu email address. Check it regularly during the course.
To activate your SAIC email account, you will need to:
- Locate your SAIC ID number in your Registration Confirmation email, sent from cs@saic.edu. If you have an SAIC student ID card, you will also find it there. Your seven-digit SAIC Student ID number is different from the five-digit order number included on the Order Confirmation receipt email sent to you at the time of checkout.
- Go to https://password.artic.edu
- Select Activate Account
- Enter your seven-digit SAIC ID number
- Enter your last name
- Enter your birthdate the following format: DD-MMM (e.g., 22-FEB or 03-JUN)
- DD: Two-digit day (01 to 31)
- MMM: Three-letter abbreviation for the month (e.g., JAN, FEB, MAR, etc.)
- Note: Use numeric characters for the day and only letters for the month.
- Select Activate
Your username is automatically assigned, but you will need to create your own password. Passwords can be simple sentences (“There were 15 green trees.”), a series of words separated by spaces (“Correct Horse Battery Staple”) or a longer traditional password (“Thisisalongpassword!”). The longer the password, the more secure it is. Pick a password that is easy for you to remember.
Your new password must meet the following requirements:
Is case sensitive.- Must be a minimum of 15 characters long.
- Must not repeat any character more than 3 times consecutively.
- Cannot include any of the password examples above.
Uppercase, lowercase, special characters, and numbers are allowed but not required when setting your new password.
You will also be prompted to set up four security questions. Be sure to record your account information for future reference.
Visit https://gmail.artic.edu to log in to your SAIC email with the username and password from above.
Need Help? Contact the CRIT Help Desk at 312.345.3535 or email crithelpdesk@saic.edu. Office Hours: Monday–Friday, 8:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Canvas is SAIC’s online learning platform and will be the central resource for all of your course materials and communication with your instructors and peers. You will need to log in with your SAIC username and password.
Instructors will make courses viewable in Canvas in the week prior to the start of class.
Visit canvas.saic.edu or download the app for Android or Apple and log in using your SAIC username and password. Complete the virtual Canvas Student Orientation to get started.
Need Help? Contact the Canvas Support Team at canvas-help@saic.edu, Monday–Friday, 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
Zoom video conferencing will be used for your course. Download Zoom in advance of the first class.
- Starting the Zoom Desktop Client: Select the download that corresponds with your computer, tablet, or phone.
- Joining a meeting
All live sessions are scheduled in Central Time. Use World Time Buddy to compare Central Time with your current timezone.
NOTE: You can join the first class Zoom session even if you have not finished activating your SAIC email and logged into Canvas. You will receive the link for the first Zoom session in the Welcome and Next Steps email from saic-teacherprograms@saic.edu in the days leading up to the class.
The School of the Art Institute of Chicago is committed to providing opportunities for full participation in all programs for students with disabilities, including Continuing Studies students and Students At Large. Disabled students should first contact the Disability and Learning Resource Center (DLRC) to request reasonable accommodations. To plan for the most effective accommodations, we ask that you contact the DLRC at least two weeks before the start date for your course.
Disability and Learning Resource Center: Learn more about the DLRC including common accommodations provided by their office, their approach to providing accommodations, and how to schedule an appointment.
The DLRC can be reached by phone at 312.499.4278 or email dlrc@saic.edu.
Digital certificates of recognition will be emailed to participants within two weeks upon successful completion of the APSI workshop.
APSI participants will earn one graduate credit for completion of the workshop. 30 CPDU credits are available. Request your official transcript online. Please allow a processing time of two weeks before requesting your grades.
For most districts, a transcript will be sufficient to demonstrate professional development units. If your district requires other specific documentation, please have them contact us directly at saic-teacherprograms@saic.edu.