Associate Professor Jan Tichy gave students in the Art and Technology / Sound Practices and Photography departments an opportunity of a lifetime—creating digital installation work for ART on THE MART’s winter programming.

ART on THE MART is one of the world’s largest digital installation sites, spanning the 2.5 acre facade of Chicago’s Merchandise Mart. A screen of that size and the vibrant riverwalk location brought on creative challenges for all students.

Collaborative pair Rio Usui and Cyrus Spurlock created Gaze at the Moon, an exploration of the relationship between architecture, space, and humanity.

“It’s a really rare opportunity to be in a class while doing a public art project together,” said student Haeun Lee. With her collaborative partner Fionn Kelly, Lee embraced the opportunity the course offered.

For more than 155 years, the School of the Art Institute of Chicago has been a leader in educating the world’s most influential artists, designers, and scholars.

Sonja Mott, Riley Gunderson, Daniel Villalobo.

Maria Gaspar.

Setouchi Triennale