Daniel Merkle
Assistant Professor, Adjunct
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Art History, Theory and Criticism (2003). BA, 1998, University of Rhode Island; MFA, 2001, School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Screenings: Archive Kabinett, Berlin; Aubin Gallery, London; Gene Siskel Film Center, Chicago. Performances: General Public Collective, Indianapolis; The Hideout, Chicago; Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago; The Learning Machine, Chicago; Abbey Pub, Chicago; Circuit, Chicago; Reversible Eye, Chicago; Magic Inc, Chicago; Big Forever, Chicago; Templehead, Chicago; Captain Curt’s BBQ Shazzam, Chicago.
Personal Statement
I teach humanities-based global art history survey, film studies, and performance art history. My work in film, video, sound, and performance is often in collaboration and is usually created under a pseudonym. I use aliases. Some might say "personas" or "alter egos" or "pen names" or "doing business as"... It's not new and especially not today, with multiplicity of identity as the norm—at least in our first world, social media-1950's-throwback country. How many lives does everyone lead? Real? Virtual? Inside/Outside?
Under my own name I secretly edit and consult.
As Thoren Lang I collaborate with Brandon Doherty, doing sound and co-editing his films/videos. Thoren Lang also works with Chicago performance collaborative Conclusionary Practices, founded by sculptor Kelly Lesniak and featuring poet Mike Booker. And he makes pieces for Vic Ward, who is a performer only. Occasionally Thoren works with The _____ "Actress", a core character who arrived in the beginning of 2012. The _____ "Actress" also works with Conclusionary Practices, most often as The High Priestess Machine.
Current Interests
Living Inside/Outside, René Girard, Julian Jaynes, aggressive mimicry and/or ritual sacrifice impersonation...