A wide shot of a ceramics studio, featuring students working with pottery wheels and other tools.
Juan is wearing a green ribbed sweater with the collar of a denim shirt peeking out at the neckline. He has a a mop of mussed up dark, wavy hair.

Juan Flores



Education: BA, Art, 2016, Connecticut College; MFA, Art and Technology Studies, 2023, SAIC. 

Exhibitions: Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria; EXPO Chicago, Chicago, IL; The Wrong Biennale; Luminaria Contemporary Arts Festival, San Antonio, TX; The Ammerman Center Biennial Symposium on Arts & Technology, New London, CT. 

Awards: Mortimer Hays-Brandeis Fellowship.


Title Department Catalog Term


Consider how object based movement creates both meaning and tone, and how movement functions much like non-verbal communication. We'll attempt to approach the technical matters of controlling motion from the aesthetic perspective of an animator or a dancer. The course introduces basic techniques for creating moving parts appropriate for a broad range of creative and material practices. Technical matters covered through exercises include motors, speed control, fabrication of moving parts and simple circuits for motor control. Self-determined projects will demonstrate mastery of skills and concepts.

Class Number

