2015 Propeller Fund Announces Awardees
The Propeller Fund, initiated by Gallery 400 and Threewalls, recognizes self-organized projects dedicated to the creative activity of Chicago, with awardees selected through a juried process. One of this year’s five jurors is Nicole Marraquin, Artist, Co-Organizer of Multiuso, and Associate Professor of Art Education at SAIC.
Awardees include projects involving a number of SAIC students and faculty who contribute to the complexity and richness of the art community:
The collective Brujos includes Contemporary Practices faculty member Jeremiah Hulsebos-Spofford and Art Education faculty member Faheem Majeed; The Chicago ACT Collective consists of William Estrada (BFA 2000, MA 2015) and Liberal Arts faculty member Sarah Burris; two components of Fielding are Amber Ginsburg (MFA 2009) and Sculpture faculty member Sarah Black; Hair Club consist of almni Suzanne Gold (MFA 2015), Kelly Lloyd (MFA 2014, MA 2015), and Michal Lynn Shumate (MA 2015). In the beginning, sometimes I left messages in the street is headed by Allison Glenn (Dual MA 2012); Paper Work is an exhibition organized by curatorial collective Third Object, a collaboration of Ann Meisinger (Dual MA 2014), Raven Munsell (MA 2014), Elisabeth Smith (Dual MA 2015) and Gan Uyeda (Dual MA 2014); one half of Report to the Public: An Untold Story of the Conservative Vice Lords is Lisa Junkin Lopez (MA 2007); and John Preus (MFA 2005) is a part of Social Furniture.