A wide shot of a ceramics studio, featuring students working with pottery wheels and other tools.

Topics in Design Research

Searchers recovered about 38 percent of the Columbia shuttle - more than 82, 000 pieces weighing 84,800 pounds. Specialists at the FBI Laboratory helped identify the serial numbers of the damaged tiles.

MFA 6500 001

Faculty: Ilona Gaynor and Casey Lurie

This topic based studio/seminar on design research methods integrates theoretical and historical approaches to understanding design as a critical practice. Each semester long studio/seminar is organized around a theme that is introduced by an outside partner from the sciences, technology and social sciences.  Themes include risk, luxury, intelligence, copyright forensics and law. Through the exploration of thematic projects, the studio/seminar extends research beyond the enforced procedural conditions of orthodox project based practices.  The studio/seminar advocates for the emergence and the mobility of research in design.  Our goal is not to merely amass results, but rather, with the aid of results to demonstrate how design research can adapt itself to new procedures. The courses content is integrated and intended to be flexible, and will provide the following: The course necessarily decouples design from the marketplace in order to shift research focus to concrete examples grounded in experiences relevant to the studio/seminar theme. The seminar will provide readings and discussions that are relevant to, and that creatively expand the studio/seminar theme.  

Students are required to submit 250 words explaining how research is integral to their work. Please e-mail your statement to Ryan Deemer in AIADO: rdeemer@saic.edu. Submissions are due by 11:59pm on November 8th.