Homan Square

SAIC at Homan Square is a community of dedicated North Lawndale residents and artists in the historic Chicago neighborhood of Homan Square. Along with artists and scholars from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, we engage audiences and communities in collaborative processes through three areas of focus: public programs, degree courses for SAIC students, and an Artist-in-Residence Program.

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Hand in hand with the community, our purpose is to identify issues, promote public discourse, and catalyze social change within specific institutions, neighborhoods, and other public contexts. It is a platform to share, support, and amplify what is already there by adding resources and bringing in others.

SAIC's work at Homan Square aspires to engage artists from a variety of disciplines to combine their skills and work with the community to organize projects that integrate studio art practices with civic engagement.

Aerial shot of Homan Square

credit: Tom Harris Photography


As artists, we serve our vision and creativity to produce work that inspires emotion, reflection, and action. As activists, we serve our community to build paths to positive change. As community members, we care for our neighbors and work together to improve our neighborhood. With our tower partners, SAIC is building an intersection to combine all aspects of artistic service and community to continue to do what we do best: to teach, be taught, create and grow. We do this through an artist in residency program, SAIC degrees classes, community classes, workshops, and events. Providing artistic resources, artistic and job skills along with public projects. 


North Lawndale is a vibrant community, and our work in art and design on the westside expresses how we want to be seen and heard in the world. SAIC at Homan Square will support creative citizenship through classes, artists in residence programs, exhibitions, performances, and public art engagements. These experiences will challenge boundaries and reflect North Lawndale’s history, inviting hope, engaged beauty and curiosity. Through these efforts, we believe we can move beyond societal problems and improve the social and economic health of our community. Art in North Lawndale helps us reimagine the community we want and build the strength to achieve it. 

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Nichols Tower

906 S. Homan Ave.

Chicago, IL 60624

Phone: 773.638.2712

Office: 10th floor, 
Classroom: 12th floor

Open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays