A wide shot of a ceramics studio, featuring students working with pottery wheels and other tools.

Margaret Hawkins

Senior Lecturer


Senior Lecturer, Art History, Theory and Criticism, New Arts Journalism (2004). BFA, 1976, University of Illinois; MFA, 1979, University of North Carolina. Publications: New York Times, Kirkus Reviews, ARTnews, Art & Antiques, Chicago Sun-Times, American Craft, New Art Examiner; Dialog; Chicago Artists' News; Camerawork; Photograph; Art and Auction, Ceramics Art and Perception; Fiber Arts. Books (fiction): A Year of Cats and Dogs (Permanent Press, 2009); How to Survive a Natural Disaster (Permanent Press, 2010); Lydia's Party (Viking Penguin, 2014; Penguin paperback edition due out in 2015). Books (nonfiction): How We Got Barb Back (Conari, 2010).



Title Department Catalog Term


Using the works of established critics and writers as models and using the museum and Chicago galleries as subject matter, students learn to write concise reviews and essays. Class time is spent discussing art, assigned readings, and students? writing. Students are required to turn in one short written work at the beginning of each class. The goal of the course is to develop students? powers of observation, clarity of language and ability to form and defend opinions about works of art. Readings include Kimmelman, Berger, Schjeldahl, Hickey, Lippard, Barnet, Fried, Wolfe.

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